Protocol to combat any form of hate or discrimination
Diaspora Woman Association
The Diaspora Woman Association is a space created from the experience and the reality of migration which, to its legal, emotional, and spiritual extent, embraces women from all over the world. Its purpose is to give meaning to the migrated identities, diversity, and respect for human dignity in any of their places of origin … impact of the migrant being, and to make them noticeable in every one of our actions and interactions.
As diaspora women and peacebuilders of human rights and health, we are committed to opposing hate speech, which does not mean limiting the freedom of expression or prohibiting its exercise, but preventing this type of speech from becoming something more dangerous, like the incitement of discrimination, hostility towards migrant people and every person or entity object of our social effort.
“Any form of oral, written or behavior-related communication which implies an attack or uses pejorative or discriminatory language towards someone or any of their traits, these being their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, origin, gender, or any other factor of identity.”
In the same way, we add to the General Policy Recommendation N°15 of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI): "expressions of humiliation or contempt for a person or group of people, as well as harassment, discredit, dissemination of negative stereotypes, stigmatization or threat regarding this person or group of people and the justification of these manifestations - based on a non-exhaustive list of personal characteristics".
By the Spanish Constitution, the Constitutional Law 10/1995 of the penal code is modified in article 22: Committing the crime for racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Gypsy reasons or another class of discrimination referring to the ideology, religion or beliefs of the victim, the ethnicity, race or nation to which they belong, sex, age, orientation, sexual or gender identity, aporophobia or social exclusion, the disease they suffer from, disability, regardless of whether such conditions or circumstances coincide in the person on whom the conduct falls. Likewise, the treatment and non-discrimination Law of 2022 stipulates anti-Gypsyism and aporophobia as hate crimes.
As an association rooted in Catalonia, we recognize the regulatory framework in which the Generalitat de Catalunya, in Law 19/20 on equal treatment and non-discrimination, seeks to guarantee and make effective the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination, respect for human dignity and protection against any form, act or conduct of discrimination that occurs in its territorial scope and because of: birth; origin, nationality or membership of a national minority; race, colour or ethnicity; political or other opinion; religion, beliefs or ideology; language; cultural, national, ethnic or social origin; economic or administrative situation, social class or fortune; sex, orientation, sexual and gender identity or gender expression; ancestry; age; phenotype, sense of belonging to an ethnic group; disease, serological status; disability or functional diversity, or for any other condition, circumstance or manifestation of the human condition, real or attributed.
And promote the eradication of racism and xenophobia; anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Arabophobia, Christianophobia, Judeophobia or anti-Gypsyism; aporophobia and social exclusion; capacity building; abnormalophobia; sexism; homophobia or lesbophobia, gayphobia, transphobia, biphobia, intersexophobia or LGBTI-phobia. And on our own account in the exercise of our autonomy and associative ethics, our scope of application is in the exercise of our objectives, projects, alliances, and actions.
We wholeheartedly commit to the following:
- Total respect for freedom of expression and opinion within the framework of human rights, the European framework and international law.
- Defence and respect for religious, cultural and all kinds of diversity.
- Encouragement of mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue, a culture of peace and non-violence.
- Not to spread hate, discrimination, intolerance, and degrading messages on our social networks or any oral, written or digital communication.
- Promotion in our internal and external language and practices of the corresponding measures to face, mitigate and eradicate any form of hatred and discrimination.
- Make visible our solidarity with the victims of hate speech and people or groups who suffer from this speech.
- And whatever is needed that is not foreseen or occurring that may offend and disparage human dignity.