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Entity measures to facilitate family reconciliation and joint

responsibility of its workers



Diaspora Woman is an association committed to the vital reality of each of the people who are part of it and develop missional objectives, within which we understand that work is part of life and not life itself. We believe in the exercise of work as an opportunity for the development of talents, skills, knowledge, experiences, and professions; as much as of imagination and creativity for the enjoyment of human rights, social relations, friendship, and everything that involves sharing and transcending our existence.

So, in addition to the rules and the laws, we are committed to speaking and acting, inside and outside our workplace, with principles for and with family reconciliation and co-responsibility towards the people hired and who help us to materialize our goals. Said measures and principles are:

1. Conceiving care as a transversal and necessary measure and principle in all our associative practices and actions.
2. Listening and assessing people's needs inclusively before taking action.
3. Maintaining good and clear communication between all about the specific
circumstances of the person and the job.
4. Working focused on specific objectives and needs.
5. Making use of virtuality and similar tools to respond to the geographical and location needs of tasks.

6. Welcoming the girls and boys who have to be with their parents in our activities when
they have to work and cannot entrust their care.
7. Replacing the responsible person due to urgent or unforeseen circumstances.
8. Allowing attendance at medical appointments, emergencies, school meetings, and family commitments without having to make up time.


© 2024 Mujer Diaspora by University of Westminster

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